Each year men and women must have their dream of becoming a sister, nun, brother, or priest deferred because of educational debt. Religious communities simply cannot afford to assume such debt on their very limited budgets. So tragically, when the church is in great need of religious vocations, men and women are being turned away from religious life.
Through God's grace and the generosity of our donors, the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations is now able to assist religious communities in servicing that debt, so that they may welcome new members without delay.
The NFCRV issued its first grants in 2015, the Year of Consecrated Life, to eight women's religious communities on behalf of 10 candidates to religious life. In 2016, NFCRV opened applications to men's and women's religious communities.
NFCRV has assisted more than 40 religious communities in welcoming 50 potential new members to religious life who had significant educational debt.
The stories of hope, call, and service from these vibrant and diverse candidates to religious life are the inspiration behind the Fund.
Meet religious sisters, brothers, priests we served

Meet Sister Graciela, S.C.C., immigration lawyer and NFCRV grantee