Our work enables young people to answer the call to holiness
Inspired by the Church’s call to be “pilgrims of hope on the path to peace,” many young people find themselves drawn to religious life.
Religious communities want to welcome qualified candidates to share in their vital missions, ministries, and unique charisms.
Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, they can.
Members of religious life must be debt-free to live the vow of poverty. Grants awarded by the Vocation Fund help to eliminate the obstacle of educational debt to religious vocations.
The Vocation Fund services the student loans of promising candidates while they discern with a religious institute. This support continues until the candidate becomes a full member of their religious community, their debt is paid off, or they decide not to enter religious life.
With the average student in the U.S. carrying nearly $40,000 in student debt, the need for help with this obstacle to vocations is great. Since its inception in 2014, the Vocation Fund has awarded more than $1 million in grants.