Please read these NFCRV Grant Guidelines before completing
the NFCRV Grant Application Form.
The mission of the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations is to help service the educational debt of viable candidates to consecrated life.
Applications will only be accepted from canonically recognized religious and secular institutes with active membership in the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC)—dues paid by Dec. 31 of the year prior to when the application is submitted
Candidates must be conditionally accepted by institutes with active membership in the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC). Novices and temporarily professed religious are not eligible.
Those institutes who received an NFCRV grant in the prior year are not eligible to apply in the current year. This gives other member institutes an opportunity to receive grant support in the coming year.
The NFCRV generally accepts applications from January through April each year. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged. Applications are done online only. No applications will be accepted after the specified deadline in the current application year. 2025’s grant application window is January 6, 2025 through April 25, 2025.
The Executive Director of the NFCRV will review and determine which applications are eligible for consideration. Incomplete applications will not be considered for a grant in the current year, but may be resubmitted the following year.
As eligible applications are submitted, the Executive Director will contact the listed Grant Contact Person (see Part I on Grant Application Form) for clarification if needed.
The Executive Director of the NFCRV will present eligible applications to the NFCRV Board of Directors for consideration at their June board meeting.
The maximum NFCRV grants to an institute per candidate will not exceed $35,000.
The NFCRV will inform all applicants of the status of their request by July of the current application year.
Grant terms and conditions
Grant funds will be given to an institute to cover all or part of a candidate’s ongoing student loan payments. The grant amount and terms will be determined by the NFCRV.
Grant funds will be distributed quarterly and will continue until which time the candidate (1) takes final vows in the institute, or (2) withdraws or is dismissed from the formation program.
The grantee institute must inform the NFCRV in writing immediately if the candidate withdraws or is dismissed from the formation program. Reimbursement of already distributed funds is not required.
Reimbursement will be required if a candidate discontinues and the NFCRV is not informed.
Grantee institutes must maintain active membership in NRVC during the grant term.
An annual report on the candidate’s progress in the institute’s formation program is required. Click on the link below to access the annual report form.
Application instructions
The grant application must be completed and submitted online. During the process you may save and return to your application as many times as you need. When you are finished and ready to send your application to the NFCRV, click the submit button on the final page of the form.
The following items will be required to complete the online application:
Candidate information, community information, including size, leadership, and financial need.
Uploaded support material (i.e., copy of the institute’s recent audit or surplus/loss statements, balance sheet, etc. indicating the institute’s financial health).
Contact the office at 312-318-0180
Or email Phil Loftus at