What were you doing before you entered discernment?
I kept moving from one job to the next in journalism, focused on advancing professionally. My faith was on the back burner. I was making up all sorts of excuses not to attend Mass, which was easy because I had jobs with abnormal hours.
What was the turning point that made you consider a religious vocation?
This is going to sound crazy but I had a dream that my soul was in the sky floating around, and this voice said to me from the clouds: “Would you live as a religious sister for me?” I said, “Of course not. Are you kidding? I have so many plans for myself with my life. No!”
A few months later with Father Mike’s help I had this opportunity to go on this mission trip to Haiti. I spent a week there living with the clergy and the religious sisters and brothers of that order. I felt so much joy and beauty in their life, which was being used completely to serve other people. I became so inspired by how they lived their lives and thought maybe I could have a fulfilling life, too, living this way.
What has the discernment process
been like?
I try to be as practical as possible. I don’t want to commit to something I can’t fulfill and be comfortable with. But I think God is the perfect gentleman; he doesn’t force me to accept his love or push his way into my heart. I have gradually learned to accept that this is an invitation and a true and authentic one, to live this life not just for my own growth and holiness but also for the holiness of the church.
What is the most difficult part about adjusting to religious life?
So far the most difficult part is the process of purification or just letting go of material things. But also emptying myself of any self-serving interests and goals. When I made the decision to enter religious life, I felt very free from the things that were haunting me. I felt truly at peace and I knew this was coming from God.
If you met Jesus today and could ask him one question, what would it be?
When you look at our world today, what hurts you the most?
What is the last book you read?
Anna Karenina by Tolstoy. It was very intimidating to read, but once I finished it, I felt very accomplished. Besides the gorgeous writing, I learned a lot about the difficulties of married life and fostering a holy family and the challenges of a commitment.
What do you do for fun?
I like to write and keep a journal. I like travelling. I like to sing. I also like to produce skits and write skits for various ministries.
What would you like to say to the Hilton Foundation, who made this grant possible?
I am so incredibly thankful for their generosity and they have really helped me overcome the only obstacle in the way to my pursuing this vocation. I will be praying for them and all the benefactors who made this grant possible while I am at the convent.
Boram Lee
Religious Community
Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
I was born in Seoul, South Korea, but my family immigrated when I was 6-years-old and I grew up in Tenafly, New Jersey.
Rutgers, B.A. in Journalism
Masters in Urban Planning